Yoga & Breathwork Classes

Discover how the ancient practices of yoga and breathwork and help you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and support trauma recovery by promoting a deep sense of inner calm and emotional balance. Through mindful movement and controlled breathing, you’ll learn to reconnect with your body, regulate your emotions, and cultivate resilience, creating a foundation for lasting mental and physical health. Whether you're new to yoga or looking to deepen your practice, this class offers a welcoming space to explore the powerful benefits of yoga and breathwork for your mental health.

No experience or training is required to participate, and all equipment is provided. This class is designed to be supportive of any and all levels of physical fitness.

Fall Series

Dates: Wednesdays from August 28th thru October 30th

Time: 9:45 - 11:00 am

Location: Cypress Counseling & Wellness Office

Focus: Yoga, Breathwork, and Nutrition

Cost: $135 for all 9 classes, or $20 per class as a drop in rate (Please email us by the Monday prior to class to ensure we have space available!)

Holiday Mini Series

Dates: Wednesdays - November 6, 13, 20 and December 4, 11, 18

Time: 9:45 - 11:00 am

Location: Cypress Counseling & Wellness Office

Focus: Yoga, Breathwork, and Nutrition

Cost: $90 for all 6 classes, or $20 per class as a drop in rate (Please email us by the Monday prior to class to ensure we have space available!)

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