Coaching Services


Are you looking for support as you navigate a change in your life? Maybe you have a new job, a new marriage or a new baby. Maybe you have some goals you are struggling to reach, just need some help in figuring out how to make your life work better, or find more joy amid the mundane. Coaching can be an invaluable support in understanding the barriers that may be keeping you stuck, and finding ways to overcome them to craft the life you want.


Parenting is HARD on its best days. Navigating discipline with oppositional kids, kids who have learning or developmental challenges, or even just “regular” kids experiencing the growing pains of character can feel impossible. Our coaches can help you identify the needs you and your child(ren) have, and develop tailored strategies to help you regain the peace in your home that you desire.


Children and teens can benefit from coaching as well! Navigating family and peer relationships, discovering their own identity, learning to cope – and flourish! – while meeting the challenges of learning differences, executive function challenges… their world is full of struggle that is often more than they know how to handle. Our coaches can help with self-confidence, communication skills, goal setting, resilience, and so much more.

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