Wellness Panels

At Cypress Counseling & Wellness we are committed to offering services that look at the whole system to create the healthiest outcome, and nutrition is a vital component of mental and emotional health. To support you in achieving your goals, we offer several nutrition panels coupled with results analysis and counseling.

Research shows that there's more than a 95% chance that something you are eating is actually toxic to your system. Most of us don't know that we are living out of balance - we just think the way we feel is "normal". Nutrition testing can help you feel better than you ever thought possible!

Food/Gluten Sensitivity Testing

Find out how over 150 different foods might be affecting you. Research shows that food sensitivities can lead to inflammation and a range of symptoms like bloating, headaches, and fatigue. Identifying and eliminating these foods can significantly improve your well-being.

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Nutrigenomics Genetic Testing

Discover what your genes say about your nutritional needs and develop a dietary plan tailored for you. Personalized nutrition, based on genetic information, can be more effective in achieving health goals compared to generic dietary advice.

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Fatty Acid Testing

Check your fatty acid levels to improve brain function and reduce inflammation. Balanced fatty acids are crucial for brain health; research indicates that proper levels can enhance cognitive function and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

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Nutrition Panel Packages

We offer a number of packages, all of which come with expert nutrition counseling to help you understand and implement the results.

Food Sensitivity Testing Package

$ 925
  • Tests for over 150 Antigens
  • Tests for Gluten
  • 2 - 30 Minute Appointments with Licensed Clinician
  • 2 - 15 Minute Check-Ins for Follow-Up Support

Nutrigenomics Testing Package

$ 750
  • Analyzes over 100 genetic markers in 10 foundational wellness areas
  • Results provide insight for healthier habits, improved nutrition, and targeted supplement use
  • 2 - 30 Minute Appointments with Licensed Clinician
  • 2 - 15 Minute Check-Ins for Follow-Up Support

Fatty Acid Testing Package

$ 525
  • Tests the ratio of fatty acids in your blood to help you achieve the optimal balance and decrease inflammation
  • 2- 30 Minute Appointments with Licensed Clinician
  • 2 - 15 Minute Check-Ins for Follow-Up Support

All In One Testing Package

$ 1600
  • Food Sensitivity Testing
  • Nutrigenomics Testing
  • Fatty Acid Testing
  • 3 - 30 Minute Appointments with Licensed Clinician
  • 2 - 15 Minute Check-Ins for Follow-Up Support
Best Value