Neurofeedback Therapy


Neurofeedback, also known as EEG biofeedback, is a therapeutic approach that uses real-time monitoring of brainwave activity to teach individuals self-regulation of brain function. We place electrodes on your scalp to measure brainwaves, and the recorded activity is displayed on a screen, providing visual and auditory feedback. Through a series of training sessions, you learn to modify your brainwave patterns to achieve desired mental states, which can help improve conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and insomnia, as well as enhance cognitive performance. Unlike medications, neurofeedback is a non-invasive and safe method that harnesses the brain’s natural ability to adapt and learn, offering an alternative or complementary treatment to traditional pharmacological approaches. This therapy requires a commitment to multiple sessions and is tailored to meet your specific needs, aiming to improve attention, focus, mood regulation, and overall cognitive function without the side effects associated with medications.


A brain map, or qEEG (quantitative Electroencephalogram), is like a detailed snapshot of your brain's activity. During this process, you wear a cap with sensors that pick up the electrical signals your brain produces. These signals are then turned into colorful maps that show different patterns of brainwave activity across various parts of your brain. By looking at these patterns, we can identify areas that might be underactive or overactive, helping to understand issues like anxiety, depression, or attention problems. It's a bit like getting an inside look at how your brain is working and finding clues to improve its function.


Because the brain determines our experience of most mental, emotional and physical sensations, neurofeedback is an effective therapy for an almost limitless number of conditions. This includes:

  • ADD / ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Addiction
  • Attachment Disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Depression
  • Learning Disorders
  • Mood Disorders
  • Peak Performance Training
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Tourette’s Syndrome
  • Trauma / PTSD



Neurofeedback is an incredibly powerful therapy on its own and, depending on the issue, may be the sole intervention required. However, for many issues—especially longstanding ones—additional support and counseling are highly beneficial. We often recommend incorporating coaching or counseling into your treatment plan to maximize growth and ensure lasting change. For instance, if someone has struggled with addiction for years, it is crucial to also focus on recovery skills. Even if cravings are reduced through neurofeedback, there may be entrenched habits that increase the risk of relapse if not addressed. Combining neurofeedback with counseling helps tackle these underlying issues, providing a comprehensive approach to healing and personal growth.


No, a special license is not legally required to practice neurofeedback. However, at Cypress Counseling & Wellness, our team is led by Jasie Boyd, who has been Board Certified in Neurofeedback (BCN), which signifies a high level of training and expertise. This certification ensures that clinicians have undergone rigorous education and testing in neurofeedback techniques and principles. While any clinician can purchase neurofeedback equipment and start using it, choosing a certified provider like us means you can trust that your brain is in the hands of highly qualified professionals who adhere to the highest standards of practice. Our commitment to excellence and thorough understanding of neurofeedback sets us apart, providing you with the confidence and peace of mind that you are receiving top-quality care.